52 Weeks

To Success and Prosperity in a Principled Practice

Learn Why You Need This Course


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Principled chiropractor! 

Reach your full potential as a principled chiropractor! Scroll down to see how 52 Weeks to Success can help!

Successfully training associates!

Dr. Franks has been successfully training his own associates and thousands more through his books, seminars, webinars, and classes.

Benefit from Dr. Franks’ vast experience!

Now you can benefit from Dr. Franks’ vast experience and expertise in building, running, managing and leading your own practice. Scroll down now!

35+ years of experience covers everything you need to know!

35+ years of experience put into a no-nonsense at home, online training course that covers everything you need to know!



Silver Level Content

Learn exactly what it takes to have a successful and prosperous practice from someone who has been doing it himself successfully for over 35 years. As a principled chiropractor, you want your patients to be subluxation free so they can reach their full potential. Doctor, you should also want your head and practice procedures to…

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Platinum Level Program - Business Building

Coming soon! Learn how to set up multiple practices.  

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A Student's Perspective

Follow Dr. Tyler as he learns and talks about the program first hand throughout this program!

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Click Here to Schedule a FREE 1 on 1 Strategy Session!

As a principled chiropractor, you want your patients to be subluxation free so they can reach their full potential.

Doctor, you should also want your head and practice procedures to be “subluxation free” so you also can reach your potential.

You are working or have worked very hard to get your license to help others. Now see if any of this fits you in any way:

  • You’ve been struggling for years in practice and just don’t know how to get out of the hole you’re in
  • You’re doing OK in practice, but still want to do more
  • You’ve heard about this thing called  “Principled Chiropractic” and want to know more about how you can make a living while doing it
  • You’re not yet in practice but want guidance on exactly what to do so you don’t have to struggle once you get out 

If one of these situations describes you, then you’re in the right place!

Dr. Rick Franks has been training associates since 1981 and over the years has trained thousands through his seminars and classes. He continues to train Chiropractors in an ongoing basis.

Now you too can benefit from Dr. Franks’ expertise in how to successfully build and run a chiropractic practice. Dr Rick has taken his 35+ years of experience and created a no nonsense training course that covers everything you need to know as far as getting your practice on the right track in order to reach ALL your goals and dreams.

It’s called 52 Weeks (that’s how long it takes to get all the information assimilated and working) to Success (however you want to measure your success) and Prosperity (your reward for doing things in the certain way) in a Principled Practice (making subluxation detection and correction the primary focal point of your mission).

If this is what you’re looking for and you’re willing to put the time and effort into it for 1 year, then you’ve come to the right place.

Are you Ready to Change Your Life?



Click to get started!


Here what other doctors have to say about Dr. Franks.

Sid Williams

I was just recently reading through your book again (Prepare for Success). I know it was a challenge for you to find time for this worthy project which is well written and should be well received by our colleagues. I will refer to it time after time...


Sid E. Williams, B.S., D.C.
Founder and President
Life Chiropractic College

Cheryl Langley

I had the honor to work with Dr. Rick Franks during my early years in practice, and today he continues to be a strong and supportive voice and mentor for myself and many others in Chiropractic.

His coaching and training helped me begin my journey with setting and achieving goals, systematizing my procedures, developing my chiropractic techniques, communicating the Chiropractic message in a clear and confident way, and tools to grow and nurture a thriving practice.  He also started me on a path of self-learning from other highly successful people through books and audio programs.

Dr. Franks coaching and support has been a priceless asset to my Chiropractic career and my life.

If you’ve ever heard the saying, “you are who you hang out with”, I can tell you that it is absolutely true!  Not only is Dr. Franks a highly respected speaker and author, he is a Chiropractic Warrior who continually walks his talk in his own practice every day.   His passion for helping people and helping our profession thrive is contagious!  You should hang out with him!

Dr. Cheryl Langley

Marietta, GA  30068


Vinny Cuviello

"I don't even know where to begin talking about my time spent with Dr. Rick in the office. I only had about 6 months time training with the man, but what I learned from him has stuck with me throughout my time at Life University and will continue to stick with me for a lifetime. It was my first opportunity to truly learn what the profession of Chiropractic is all about. To say that Dr. Rick was an answer to my prayers would be an understatement. I went into his office my senior year as an undergraduate student, unsure of whether I should attend Chiropractic school when graduation rolled around. I had gone to a Chiropractor my entire life but never actually knew what chiropractic was because I was never told! Fast forward those 6 months, I'm leaving his office not only sure about the fact that I want to be a chiropractor, but absolutely ON FIRE for the principle of chiropractic! After my time with Dr. Rick I have a completely different understanding of chiropractic and the body's incredible ability to heal itself altogether. In addition to teaching me the ins and outs of chiropractic, he also taught me some life lessons that I apply on a daily basis. I'm not sure if there's a single person out there who has had a greater impact on the trajectory of my life. I am forever grateful for Dr. Rick as both a friend and as a mentor."

Love you man!

Vinny Cuviello

Curtis Harraway, Jr.

I have been honored to work with Dr. Rick Franks over the past nine and a half years. Before joining Dr. Franks in practice, I was seeing 5-10 patients per week. My intentions were to give chiropractic care to as many people as possible. This was not happening, at the rate I was going. When I came to work with Dr. Franks, he gave me a copy of his book, “Prepare for Success”, which I read from cover to cover.  And he guided me through his training program and within weeks I was seeing 25-50 patients per day.  Today I am well on my way to getting chiropractic care to as many as possible. I praise the Lord for uniting me with Dr. Franks and I thank Dr. Franks for his friendship, coaching, and training.

Dr. Curtis Harraway, Jr.

Franks Chiropractic Life Center

Greensboro, Georgia

Chris Brooks

When I got out of school, I had the desire to help as many people as possible regain or improve their health thru Chiropractic.  There was only problem.  I had no idea how to get there.  Thankfully, I met Dr. Rick Franks at just the right time and began training with him.  He taught me the time tested principles and systems of how to become a successful Chiropractor.  In my 19th year of practice, I rely on these same protocols every single day!  I have tried other options in the past only to "come back home" to Dr. Franks' system.  As far as I'm concerned, it's the best way to build, educate, and grow a practice, hands down!
Dr. Christopher Brooks

Serge Sautre

I had the pleasure and honor to meet Dr. Rick Franks when I was a new international student at Life. What a example to start on the right track...He is a dedicated, inspiring and ultra successful chiropractor and a fulfilled God centered man. He is focused on providing the best adjustment to each patient with a loving, giving and serving attitude for better life expression throughout the community.

He has inspired and trained many new graduates to reach their potential beyond their own belief, make an impact in their life, and avoid making costly mistakes.

Any professional athlete will tell you, you need to excel at the basics and grow from there…Dr. Franks will drill you on the basics to build a referral base practice on the fundamentals of TIC and sharing the chiropractic message with anyone you meet...His chiropractic focus is contagious...Experience it through this training program so you can excel in practice and impact your community beyond your expectations.

Serge Sautre, DC

John Enloe

I truly believe the Lord led me to you to begin my journey in Chiropractic!

Hey Rick!  I just wanted to thank you for welcoming me back into the fold but also for being my mentor in the first place!  As I look back on my last 20 years I truly believe the Lord led me to you to begin my journey in Chiropractic!  What I learned from you was invaluable!

When I left, I was so excited to see my name on a building!  We opened in September of 2006 and I was strong for about 3 weeks and then I started to slack on the little things!  You were right!  I wasn’t ready yet!  I just couldn’t see it!  I was too filled with pride to call you as my practice floundered, so I called some of my buddies from school and asked them what they were doing!

Needless to say I fell far from the principled practices I had been taught!  And the whole time it felt wrong and weird, but hey, if it worked for them...!  I struggled and survived for 9 years going to different gurus and seminars but they were all about show biz exams and prepay scams!  It was sad!

After my Dad passed away I realized It was time to wake up! Grow up!  And stop feeling sorry for myself!  So I pulled out the ole FCLC training manual, dusted it off and started applying the procedures and little things that worked in Georgia!

Amazingly my stats doubled in less than 6 months!  My practice continued to grow and we were able to live the lifestyle we wanted but I still felt I wasn’t getting where I wanted to be!  I knew I needed more help or guidance!  That’s why I truly believe the Lord is involved!

One night several months ago Mariah and I were lying in bed and she was on her phone checking her Facebook!  She woke me up and said “check this out”!  It was your 52 weeks to PFS!  It was like a jolt of energy and hope to my soul!  I followed or stalked your site for weeks trying to get the guts to actually sign up!

I was afraid you would say “sorry you had your chance!”  I was so excited when I actually hit the send button and was officially enrolled!  My practice is continuing to grow and I can’t wait to get to work everyday!

Thanks again for all you do and all you have done for Mariah and me!  I feel like I have finally come full circle!  Love ya!

Learn exactly what it takes to have a successful and prosperous practice from someone who has been doing it himself successfully for over 35 years.

My Total Satisfaction Guarantee to You!

I have one goal for this program and it’s to help you succeed and prosper as a principled chiropractor. I am 100% committed to making that happen. Unfortunately it takes both of us to be 100% committed. So for you to succeed you need to also make the same commitment, a 100% commitment to full installation and completion of the principles and practices of this program. If you are not ready to do that, please don’t start.

This program works…if you work it. It has been proven over and over. But if you decide that you are not happy with our teaching methods after 30 days, just ask for your money back. We will gladly refund your first month’s payment and part ways on a happy note. We certainly don’t want an unhappy doctor in the program.

In addition to our 30 day 100% satisfaction guarantee we offer this promise…If you do work the program the way we set it up for you and you are still struggling after 52 Weeks, show us your completed work (everything you were asked to do) and I will personally spend the next 6 months with you, helping you reach your goals.

“Success Comes From The Mastery of Little Things” – Wallace Wattles

“I will give you all the little things that will propel you to success.” – Dr. Rick Franks

Basic Program

$570/m OR $6588 one time fee


  • Entire 52 Weeks Doctor Training Program
  • All Videos
  • All Written Materials
  • All Webinars
  • CLA Active Provider Discount: 25% (for doctors only)
  • 25% Discount off Yearly Retreat ($249; additional fee if you bring a guest)

Level Two Program

$870/m OR $9600 one time fee


  • All of the items listed in the Basic Program Plus...
  • Free Yearly Retreat ($249; if you bring a guest - another doctor)
  • Free Meetings with recordings available
  • Free4-1 hour live group coaching calls/month with breakout coaching

Level Three Program

$1180/m OR $13,788 one time fee


  • All the items liste in the Basic Program
  • All the items listed in the Level Two Program plus...
  • Full CA Certification Train Program ($12K+ by itself)

Basic Program
Annual Payment

$6588; no refund

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Level 2 Program
Annual Payment

$9600; no refund

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Level 3 Program

Annual Payment

$13,788; no refund

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Basic Program

$89 month

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