Bringing subluxation-based care into the public school system

children chiropractic innate healing subluxate Oct 15, 2024

What if blowing up your practice and leading healthcare just means stepping out and owning it?

Got something for you.

Back home in Grand Junction, had an opportunity to interview 2 docs yesterday but thinking about my live chat with Lona Cook DC last week.

Click Here to check it out if you like!

She's a content partner with the Remarkable Practice now, it's great watching her growth; she was on the show about 3 years ago...

And it was one of those game-changing interviews, you can check it out here if you missed it.

Dr. Lona? She wasn't just running a practice.

She’s bringing subluxation-based care into the public school system.

Yep, schools.

This isn’t the future—it’s happening now.

Now, maybe you’re thinking:

“Is this something I can do?”

Short answer: Yes.

Here’s a taste of what’s inside (but you’ll have to listen for the full scoop, Click Here to do so)...

  • How Lona cracked the code and got chiropractic into schools

  • What every kid should be getting before they even hit a classroom

  • The mindset shift that got Lona thinking bigger—so you can too

Feeling some resistance?

  • Am I ready to lead like that? (Absolutely—you’ve got it.)

  • Will my community buy into this? (They're hungry for it.)

  • Isn’t chiropractic meant to stay hands-on? (This amplifies your impact.)

Hit this link to dive into the full episode and start thinking bigger for your practice.

Keep hustling,

James Chester

Host of The Chiro Hustle Podcast
#1 Podcast in Chiropractic
Top 3% of More than 3 Million Podcasts Worldwide