Meet Dr. James Sigafoose

 “To serve for the sake of serving, to give for the sake of
giving, and to love for the sake of loving.”

James Sigafoose, DC

Recognized worldwide for his inspirational chiropractic philosophy and motivational teaching, Sigafoose has been a powerful leader, teacher, and inspiration to generations of chiropractors. He also authored many books and a variety of audio and video educational products utilized by chiropractors all over the world. He will be sorely missed.

“He was a mentor and inspiration to countless thousands of chiropractors around the world, myself included,” ICA President Michael S. McLean, DC, FICA, said. “I was proud to be his friend and colleague and so deeply honored that we were able to have him contribute so generously of his wisdom and experience as the keynote speaker at ICA’s June 2014 Annual Meeting in Kansas City.”

Sigafoose was also unanimously selected by the ICA Board of Directors to be the 2014 recipient of the Dr. Herbert Ross Reaver Award, in celebration of his lifetime of dedicated and courageous service and sacrifice and his powerful and lasting legacy on behalf of the ICA and the chiropractic profession.

Upon graduating from high school, Sigafoose served in the U.S. Army for two years and received his chiropractic education at National College. His pathway to his unique and powerful understanding of chiropractic science and philosophy led him through a great variety of learning experiences, all of which enabled him to articulate and explain what is important in a successful chiropractic practice like no other speaker.


There are few human qualities more highly sought than energy. It determines our ability to enjoy life, to attract mates, to finish projects, to protect our families, to shape our bodies effectively, and so much more.

Dr. James Sigafoose