Designing Your Organization for Total Success




I Want This For My Practice

Introducing the most important business course you’ll ever need! This material will allow you to see more people, increase your income, and have more free time! I Guarantee it!

This 3 part course will guide you through the following:

Set up the 21 departments every office needs, with 7 divisions and 3 executive parts.

Create your purpose, strategic objective, and statistic measurements for each department.

You will learn how to create assignments, training procedures and office training manual. 

Show Me How!

Putting Your Organization Together

Create a beautifully flowing office procedure that is perfectly choreographed to run flawlessly 100% of the time!

Creating Your Dream Practice Infrastructure

Create systems that are foolproof, easy to implement, orchestrate, and evaluate on a continuous basis.

Eliminate all stops to the flow of an office.

Designing your Organization for Total Practice Success

Set up your office so that you, the doctor can do what you do best.  BEING A DOCTOR

Who Is This Course For?

Before I take any more of your time, let’s see if this course might be for you. See if you “qualify”...

  1. My practice is not doing as well as I want and I’m not sure where to turn
  2. My organizational skills are lacking and I need more structure
  3. The function of my office is not where it needs to be
  4. My staff is poorly trained and I am getting tired of having to retrain every 6 months
  5. I am frustrated with all the “business” of my office
  6. I just want to be able to be the doctor when I’m in the office
  7. I am tired of getting complaints from staff and patients
  8. I want to eventually hire an associate
  9. I want to eventually have multiple offices

If you said “yes” to any of these, then read on.

What This Course Offers.

Designing your Organization takes you through a process of creating your own office flow, exactly how you envision it.

It then guides you through the innovation and implementation other words, putting it all together and getting it working.

Finally, with set systems in place and working, it gives you the freedom to innovate, implement, orchestrate, and constantly evaluate where needed so that nothing is left to chance. Everything is written down, systems are taught, learned, and perfected, people are put in charge of and responsible for running the systems, and you have more time, more freedom and more income. And with constant evaluation, the systems take over (not the people). For each new problem a system is corrected (or a new one is implemented) and soon, your problems are practically eliminated!

Sound good?


Let Me Break It Down For You.

Let’s take a deep dive into the program so you can see exactly what you’ll get.

This 3 part course will guide you through the following:

  • It will help you set up the 21 “must have” departments that every office needs. In fact, missing just one of these systems can actually ruin a practice! Just knowing this part alone can save your practice! But there’s a whole lot more.

  • In addition to the 21 departments, there are  7 divisions and 3 Executive spots that need to be created and functioning properly in order for you to prosper.

  • It then takes you through the “flow chart” of your office, starting with the first phone call and ending up in your lead generation department that creates the next “first phone call”.

Here's the EXTRA COOl Part!

You see, when everything is set up right, Doctor, all you have to do is lead your team, using two people to take care of the management of all the departments and their systems! You will no longer have to manage the people because it gets down to this simple detail when things don’t go right in your office:

  1. Either you didn’t train your staff correctly and because of that, they are messing up. YOUR FAULT
  2. You trained your staff right and they are still messing up. THEIR FAULT 

 Number one is easily fixable. You know what you have to do.

Number two is just as easily fixable...either they work the system correctly or you simply replace the person with someone who can! Just that knowledge right there will help you tremendously and reduce your stress levels immensely!

Now, if you’ve read this far, I know you must be having these very problems. How do I know? Because if you weren’t having these problems, you wouldn’t be looking for the answers! This program is designed specifically for you, Doctor! 


             1)  To eliminate all your office frustrations.
             2)  To completely organize and grow your practice so you can reach your full potential.
             3)  To maximize your income and enjoy the lifestyle you deserve.

As I said earlier, this has taken many years and a lot of money to develop and organize into a system of systems that can work with ANY practice.

I know you’re thinking, “Yes but my practice is different.” It doesn’t matter! This course allows you to do your own thing and “fill in the blanks” to create YOUR masterpiece!

What’s the Price of Not Having Your Organization in Order?


Consider the price of not having your organization and everyone in it running the systems perfectly and efficiently…

  1. Your staff doesn’t answer patient questions the way you want them answered. Result: Lost patients.
  2. Your patients are always having to wait simply because the office flow isn’t perfect. Result: Lost patients
  3. You are constantly handling problems with patients and staff, many of them over and over and it’s frustrating. Result: Lost staff and patients
  4. Your staff doesn't know who is responsible for running the systems and making sure they are being trained and done correctly.  
    Result:  Lost staff and patients.
  5. Because your staff doesn’t understand exactly what their job description is, your turnover rate is high. Result: Lost staff and patients.
  6. You are tired of training the same procedures over and over to a new staff every 3-6 months. Result: Burned out doctor and lost patients.

Are you starting to see a pattern here? If your practice is not organized with fool-proof systems, you will be fighting an uphill battle for the rest of your career!

Who is this program for?

This program is NOT for everyone. It is not for the doctor who just wants to get by, or is lazy, or really doesn’t give a flip. It is for:

  1. The doctor who has a burning desire to have the best practice possible and reach his full potential
  2. The doctor who wants to eliminate the constant problems and fires in the office
  3. The doctor who wants a practice that will run itself flawlessly, whether she’s there or not
  4. The doctor that wants an associate (this program is a MUST!)
  5. The doctor that wants more than one office (this program is a MUST!)
  6. The doctor who wants freedom. (this program is a MUST!

You Now Have a Choice, Doctor!!!

You see, we all have two things...time and money. Some of us have more of one than the other. If this program can save you time (you’ll see that in the first 30 minutes of working with it) and create more money for you (saving just one patient from dropping out will more than pay for the entire cost of the program!), isn’t that what you want? And think of how many new patients you’ll start attracting just because you’ve got your systems down perfectly and everyone in your office is on the same page and knows their role!

Still on the fence? Ask yourself:

If I don’t do this...

Will my office problems and challenges diminish?
Will my office functions improve?
Will my staff understand what I want from them and work as a team to make sure everything is done correctly?
Will my practice volume and income improve?
Will I be able to train more efficiently and effectively?
Will I be able to get out from under all this paperwork and all the other things I don’t like doing so I can have more time for myself and my family?
Will I have the freedom to know that my office will run whether I’m there or not?

Don’t Give Up!!!

In my 40+ years of practice, our profession has changed immensely. In the early years, I could report "to the higher ups" that the patient came in, I adjusted them and they left. Obviously, that is not the case anymore. It is my true belief that many doctors leave the profession because they simply don’t want to put up with all the “junk” associated with the actual adjustment! I’m here to tell you though, it doesn’t have to be that way! This program is created with one end result in mind...the freedom to allow you to do the one thing that you do better than anyone else...adjust and educate and have fun while doing it.

So if that sounds like something you can live with, I invite you to try my program. If it can allow a simple chiropractor like me to run 5 practices with 12 doctors, own and operate two other chiropractic businesses, and raise a family of 3 boys, coaching every sport they wanted to play, I promise you it can give you what you need and want most...a happy, healthy, prosperous practice that gives you the freedom to live your life to the fullest.  Let’s get started now as time’s a’wastin’.  Hope to see you soon!

OK! I Want This Now!
My Practice Needs This!