“Seeing the forest for the trees" is an expression of PERSPECTIVE. It's the ability to step back and see the whole picture of a given situation, instead...
You've been given the throw down. Your family and friends are egging you on to try their Chiropractor. But you don't 'believe' in Chiropractic and doubt it would actually work for your...
Chiropractor - “Hey Mary, where are your kids?” Mary - “I left them home, they don’t have any back pain…” Chiropractor - “That might be...
How many times have you had a minor fender-bender, or a slip on the sidewalk and never gave it a second thought? Maybe your ego was bruised, but you didn't...
Mrs. Jones - "Hey Doc, why am I not 100% better yet?"
Chiropractor - "Here, watch this..."
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